Soutenance de thèse

Irène KINOTI soutiendra le vendredi 29 novembre à 10h par visioconférence, sa thèse de Doctorat intitulée : "Remote sensing for the assessment of transboundary groundwater resources - The case of the Stampriet aquifer system (STAS)".

Irène KINOTI soutiendra devant le jury composé de :

Dr. Albert OLIOSO

Directeur de recherche, INRAE, UMR EMMAH

Thesis director


University of Avignon, UMR EMMAH

Thesis co-director

Pr. Maciek Lubczynski

ITC Faculty of University Twente

Thesis co-encadrant

Pr. Mounia TAHIRI

Université Mohammd V, Facultés des Sciences


Dr. Fredric FRAPART

Directeur de recherche, INRAE/Bordeaux Science Agro



Directeur de recherche, INRAE, UMR EMMAH



The Stampriet Transboundary Aquifer System (STAS) is a key groundwater source shared by Namibia, Botswana, and South Africa. This PhD research aims to build on research already conducted in STAS to develop an integrated hydrological model (IHM) to better understand and manage STAS. To achieve this, the research first created a hydrogeological model to define the aquifer’s structure, flow, and properties. Since rainfall is the main driving force of the IHM? various precipitation datasets were analyzed, with the Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation (MSWEP) showing the best results. IHMs often rely on limited in-situ measurements of water levels and stream discharge which may lead to uncertainties. To improve accuracy, the study used satellite data from GRACE, which tracks water storage changes, alongside traditional groundwater measurements. The research found that most water in STAS is stored in the unsaturated zone where it eventually evapotraspirates. Combining GRACE data with other measurements improved the accuracy of groundwater recharge estimates.