Publications 1987 - 2015

Peer reviewed papers

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Bouguerzaz, F.A., Olioso, A., Raffy, M., 1999.               
Modelling radiative and energy balance on heterogeneous areas from measured radiances.  
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 25 (4), 412-424.        -------------->

Calvet, J.-C., Bessemoulin, P., Noilhan, J., Berne, C., Braud, I., Courault, D., Fritz, N., Gonzalez-Sosa, E., Goutorbe, J.-P., Haverkamp, R., Jaubert, J., Kergoat, L., Lachaud, G., Laurent, J.-P., Mordelet, P., Olioso, A., Peris, P., Roujean, J.-L., Thony, J.-L., Tosca, C., Vauclin, M., Vignes, D., 1999.             
MUREX: a land-surface field experiment to study the annual cycle of the energy and water budgets
Annales Geophysicae, 17, 838-854.      -------------->

Wigneron, J.-P., Olioso, A., Calvet, J.-C., Bertuzzi, P., 1999.      
Estimating root-zone soil moisture from surface soil moisture data and soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer modeling
Water Resources Research, 35 (12), 3735-3745.              -------------->

Wigneron, J.-P., Calvet, J.-C., Olioso, A., Chanzy, A., Bertuzzi, P., 1999.  
Estimating the root-zone soil moisture from the combined use of time series of surface soil moisture and SVAT modeling. 
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B, 24(7), 837-843  -------------->