Serbouce Cécile


CESAR : Climate and organic matter Effects on enchytraeid and earthworm activity, soil Structure and dynamics of wAteR in vineyards

The vulnerability of ecosystems is increasing due to climate change, particularly in the Mediterranean area. Increased temperatures and changes in rainfall patterns can affect the activity periods and population dynamics of some organisms involved in the functioning of soils, particularly in nutrient cycling, structure dynamics and the regulation of water flows. In cultivated areas, these organisms are under the double influence of environmental conditions (biotic and abiotic) and agricultural practices. To improve soil quality and promote biological interactions in cropping systems, new practices are emerging such as massive organic matter inputs.

The objectives of this thesis are to evaluate (i) the effects of changes in soil temperature and water content on soil bioturbation by soil annelids (enchytraeids and earthworms) involved in the dynamics of organic matter and porosity in soils, (ii) the effects of massive inputs of organic matter on these communities of organisms in vineyard soils, and (iii) the relative contribution of these organisms to the dynamics of soil structure and water (transfer and retention) in these soils. The aim is to address challenges related to the risks associated with climate change for agroecosystems, soil biodiversity and associated functions. This PhD project also aims to support the agroecological transition by assessing the impact of innovative practices implemented at the regional level thanks to the socio-economic partners involved in the project (Chamber of Agriculture of Bouches-du-Rhône, wine-growers of the Argena association, Terre et Compost, Vert Carbone and REVERTER).

Supervision: Céline PELOSI