NUBICOS (New Users for better ICOS)

Project funded by Horizon Europe (2024-2027)


NUBICOS aims to collaborate with new users of ICOS data from the satellite, Ocean and global modelling communities, as well as to prepare products for policy makers. NUBICOS will improve and share ICOS protocols and data pipelines with these communities to ensure European standards ere useful and usable. This will be achieved through a comparison of ICOS protocols with those of our international partners to ensure results are comparable. NUBICOS will also provide new observation instructions for stations in tropical environments with specific temperatures, humidity and infrastructural needs and for ocean observations.


Marie Weiss is involved in the work package dedicated to linking ICOS to remote sensing products, and more specifically to optimise the potential of the ICOS ecosystem network to serve as sustainable data providers for the satellite calibration and validation activities for fAPAR with four of the NUBICOS partners including University of Antwerp (WP lead, B. Gielen), University of Leicester, D. Ghent cal/val activities for land surface temperature), and CMCC (Centre Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, Director of the Ecosystem Thematic Centre of the ICOS, D. Pappale)



NUBICOS Partners