A tool to ease the binarization/classification of hemispherical (DHP) or non-hemispherical images acquired in canopies for PAI/LAI estimation


SATVA (Semi-Automated Thresholding for Vegetation Analysis) was developed within EMMAH in collaboration with ARVALIS.

For whom?

SCANAREA is intended for the scientific and technical communities in the agricultural and environmental field. To obtain it, contact us.

To do what?

SATVA is a software to ease the binarization/classification of hemispherical (DHP) or non hemispherical images of canopies. It eases the classification step required in image processing softwares dedicated to the estimation of leaf or plant area index (LAI, PAI), fraction of photosynthetically absorbed radiation (fAPAR), the cover fraction or gap fraction. Using SATVA is particularly interesting when a large number of images acquired under similar conditions must be processed. SATVA is compatible with CAN-EYE.

The principles of the semi-automated processing relies on thresholding the image bi-dimensional histogram (blue/green channel when looking upward, red/green channels when looking downwards) using two lines. The semi-automated aspect relies on the fact that once an image is processed and the associated threshold determined by the user, SATVA automatically applies the same threshold to any image having a similar histogram. If the histogram is too different, then the user has to determine the corresponding threshold lines. This allows building a histogram/threshold database.

The software runs under windows. It is provided as executable file (SATVA.exe) but requires a free MCR_Installer.exe library that must be installed by the PC administrator.


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M. Weiss, B. de Solan