Calculation of structural parameters (LAI, width, height) of plants from scan.


This tool was developed for the UMR EMMAH collaboratively with ARVALIS. It is based on the work of the INRA EGC UMR.


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For whom?

SCANAREA is intended for the scientific and technical communities in the agricultural and environmental field. To obtain it, contact us.

To do what?

SCANAREA is a software for analysis of scanned plants to measure different parameters :

leaf, stem or fruit area (distinction of green and senescent part) for all types of leaves

shape parameters for each leaf for wheat leaves: maximum length, maximum width, width = f (distance to origin)

The principle relies on two thresholdings. The first one is used to distinguish objects from the background of the image, the second to distinguish between green parts of senescent parts. The thresholding method relies on the use of two-dimensional histograms of the scanned image (blue/green for the first threshold and red/green for the second).

Once thresholding is achieved, each object is analyzed in terms of area, shape and color and the results are both stored in the form of image (for monitoring thresholds) and file excel (containing parameters of shapes and surfaces of each object, the setting used for the treatment).

The software runs under windows. It comes in the form of SCANAREA.exe executable with a user guide, but in order to operate, requires a free MCR_Installer.exe library that must be installed by the PC administrator.


M. Weiss, B. de Solan, T. Dornbusch

Download SCANAREA user guide (french)
Dornbusch, T. and Andrieu, B., Lamina2Shape--An image processing tool for an explicit description of lamina shape tested on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 70(1): 217-224.
Dornbusch, T., Watt, J., Baccar, R., Fournier, C. and Andrieu, B., 2010. A comparative analysis of leaf shape of wheat, barley and maize using an empirical shape model. Annals of Botany, in review.