

STICS is a crop simulation model, developed to represent the effects of climate, soil and agricultural practices on different crops.

STICS simulates production, consumption and losses of water and nitrogen on complete cycles of crop, allows series,and therefore the simulation of crop rotations, taking into account periods of bare soil.


STICS was developed from 1996 within the Unit of Bioclimatology of Avignon, later named CSE and now EMMAH, with numerous collaborations. Team in charge of its development and maintenance is now part of the AgroClim unit (INRA).

For whom?

STICS is a synthesis tool that can be used by researchers and students. Access to all parameters makes it particularly sensitive for non-informed user. Simple interface versions were carried out and are used by agricultural technicians.

For what ?

By construction, it is primarily intended to explain differences between agricultural fields, but is also used on larger scales (regional or national).

See also