CAPTE Team (Sensors and Remote Sensing)



The CAPTE (CAPteurs et TElédetection) team was set up in 2014 as part of the eponymous Unité Mixte Technologique, which we co-directed with ARVALIS-Institut du végétal from 2014 to 2022, bringing together several INRAE units and teams from several technical institutes (ARVALIS-Institut du végétal, CTIFL, Terres Innovia). This adventure continues with the creation in 2024 of an associated partnership laboratory (LPA CAPTE) with ARVALIS-Institut du végétal. 


WordCloud CAPTE

The team is recognized for its international scientific expertise in the development of remote sensing products and methods (sensors, vectors, algorithms) for close range and satellite remote sensing of vegetation, mainly in the optical domain. These methods are applied at different scales and to different subjects, including high-throughput phenotyping in the field, smart farming and climate change. The methods developed are based on image processing, machine and deep learning methods, model inversion and data assimilation into crop models.  


Our skills lie in remote sensing, radiative transfer modeling, applied mathematics and instrumental development in the field of optics.
