
UMR EMMAH : Modelling Agricultural and hydrological systems in the mediterranean environment

The research carried out by the EMMAH joint research (UMR) unit focuses on understanding and modelling the functioning of agrosystems in interaction with underground hydrosystems. This leads the EMMAH UMR to consider the aquifer-soil-plant-atmosphere system on different time and space scales. In order to understand and model how this system works, it is necessary to take into account the many interactions between the dynamics of the plant cover, the physical, chemical and biological processes in the soil, interactions with the atmosphere and hydrosystems, and the way in which agrosystems are managed. In particular, the work carried out aims to characterise mass flows between the atmosphere, the plant cover, the soil and the underground aquifer, and the processes involved in plant production in relation to environmental factors, at different spatial scales (from a millimetre to a kilometre) and temporal scales (from a second to several decades). In this way, the EMMAH joint research unit is helping to assess the sustainability of underground water resources and cropping systems in the dual context of global change and agro-ecological transition. The Mediterranean remains a key area of study, a region marked by rapid climate change and high water stress linked to the adaptation of cropping systems and strong demographic pressure.

image INRAE agissez dans le sens des aiguilles du monde

29 January 2025

By: A. Chanzy, Emmah web

INRAE is recruiting a junior research scientist for the UMR INRAE-Avignon Université EMMAH

A junior research scientist in landscape Agronomy


Three most recent HAL EMMAH publications

  • [hal-04925964] The Use of Fluorescent Organic Matter as a Natural Transit Time Tracer in the Unsaturated Zone of the Fontaine De Vaucluse Karst System

    Leïla Serène, Naomi Mazzilli, Christelle Batiot-Guilhe, Christophe Emblanch, Milanka Babic, Julien Dupont, Roland Simler, Matthieu Blanc

    03 Feb 2025
  • [hal-04920320] Macrofaunal biopores: Diversity and regeneration rates across diverse pedoclimatic conditions studied with repacked soil cores

    Charlotte Védère, Hanane Aroui Boukbida, Yvan Capowiez, Sougueh Cheik, Guillaume Coulouma, Rinh Pham Dinh, Séraphine Grellier, Claude Hammecker, Thierry Henry Des Tureaux, Ajay Harit, Jean Louis Janeau, Pascal Jouquet, Jean Luc Maeght, Pascal Podwojewski, Cornelia Rumpel, Stéphane Sammartino, Norbert Silvera, Siwaporn Siltecho, Lotfi Smaili, Bounsamay Soulileuth, Nicolas Bottinelli

    30 Jan 2025
  • [hal-04907000] Correction: Identification of the hydrogeochemical processes and assessment of groundwater quality using Water Quality Index (WQI) in semi-arid area F'kirina plain eastern Algeria

    Khaldia Si Tayeb, Belgacem Houha, Miyada Ouanes, Valles Vincent, Abdelghani Elhoussaoui, Maurizio Barbieri, Tiziano Boschetti

    22 Jan 2025