Photo of Annette Bérard

BÉRARD Annette

Researcher _ ICPEF - Co-Animator SWIFT Team - Microbial Ecology, Tolerance / Resilience to physical and chemical stresses

Disciplines: Microbial Ecology, Microbial Ecotoxicology.

Scientist (ICPEF-HDR) within the UMR EMMAH.

I study microbial communities and their responses to stresses; Currently, I am studying the interactions between soil hydrophysics, plants and microbial functions in the rhizosphere, in the context of climate change and agroecological transition.

I have diverse experience as a researcher and expert in other INRAE scientific departments and other institutions.

I contribute to expertise for the DEPE-INRAE.

Modification date : 02 February 2024 | Publication date : 27 June 2016 | Redactor : Annette Bérard