

Digitizing tool for the determination of vegetation structural parameters


This tool has been developed within the UMR EMMAH collaboratively with ARVALIS


For whom?

Pop-Corn is for the technical and scientific communities in the environmental and agricultural field. To obtain it, click here.

To do what?

PoP-Corn is a software dedicated to the digitalization of images of plant silhouettes (for wheat and corn, but adaptable to other species) for determining heights of plant insertion, lengths and forms of leaves, stems, fruits or spikes.

The software runs under windows. It comes in the form of executable PoP-Corn .exe. In order to operate, it requires a free MCR_Installer.exe libraryto be installed by the PC administrator . The user guide will be available soon.


©EMMAH. Exemple of maize plant digitalization


M. Weiss, B. De Solan

Modification date : 21 June 2023 | Publication date : 25 June 2010 | Redactor : M. Weiss